ancient lines made with contemporary
beauty aids
beautiful children, in ways of
untouched wildness
cracked mudded stick woven
quiet noises silent fingers
lines of age and knowledge movements of
movements of
knowing movements of
knowing from long ago the
movements of old knowledge and
growing community the patterns of
growing knowledge of movement and
history growing movements towards knowledge
and movement
of growing historical knowledge
marching bright colors as a penance to the angry gods of
tribalism and beautiful curiosity of horrible social science
dances of reality, of making form from
the red brown clay beneath our feet
pierced pink and white flocks of migratory fluidity.
the power of changed perspective and flowing
crashing and bounding down lush green cliffs collecting in
ambient pools of stuttered prediction
the filtered light of obliterated river
sending the all into a spectrum of our sight
mirrored pools dotted with the remains of flight
an endless everywhere stretching for longer than I'd want to travel
and the tree
the fractal totems of natural beauty
they who catch wind and give perspective to travelers of the world
who demand odes and scream when severed
and who's torn flesh shelters us and who's blood we pour on our pancakes
screaming saws tiny life
cracking ringing crashing
connection with the all in his eyes
the implosion of sense
the scarred caverns of human wound
implications of shared thought